Thursday, July 17, 2008

Meaning of my symbol

The Bulb
The bulb represent the meaning of heat, heat is cause by the carbon dioxide that has increased over the years and because of that it caused a build up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere known as greenhouse effect,that is the cause of melting of the ice caps. Other than that the bulb is also to symbolize as an idea,so this is why i choose a bulb to take attention from the society to think of more idea to prevent the melting of ice caps.

The Ice Cube
I choose a picture of ice cube melting is to symbolize the melting of ice caps that is happening now and than on the earth.

The Seven Lines
The seven lines above the bulb represent the seven continent of the earth,to take action as soon as possible to decrease the melting of ice caps.

Why i choose oval shape for the bulb?
The reason why i choose oval shape for the bulb is because according to my research oval shape are smooth looking and simple and it matches my symbol representing for the melting of ice caps which is simple.

Why is the bulb in orange and yellow colour?
According to the research i've made,this is why i choose orange and yellow colour.
1.To human orange is a very hot colour.Orange is the best stimulant and help in times of depression, loneliness, and boredom - on the whole it is the best emotional stimulant.
2.The orange energy helps bring out this joy and bring out confidence and independence,it also helps people clear things up.
1. Yellow produce warming effect.
1. Blue can be represent as two things, the ice and the water.

Why the seven lines?
The seven lines above the bulb represent the seven continent of the earth,to take action as soon as possible to decrease the melting of ice caps.

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